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Showing posts from 2020

Our Potty Training Story

Our Potty Training Story As at the time I'm writing this blog my baby 'Vida' is two years old and she's potty trained. Initially she got potty trained at about 21 to 22months old officially even though before then she'd indicate when she needed to use her potty but i choose to say 22months old because she decided independently on her own to stop wearing diapers, whenever I wore her diapers she'd remove it and that's when I came to the conclusion that we were potty trained! So initially I introduced potty to my daughter quite early, I think somewhere around 8-9 months; reasons because the bath my mum gifted us came with a potty and also she (my mum) engineered the idea of how nice it'd be if I started potty training early. So I do as told even though I wasn't doing it consistently, reason because it was difficult to tell when she needed to pee or poo, it just happens plus I wasn't always into it, so it was off and on for me. Fast forward to when s...

How I make Pap aka Akamu/ogi from scratch

Pap popularly known as Akamu (in Nigeria) is made from fermented maize, it has this unique sour taste that gets you craving for more, pap could be enjoyed with bean balls or bean cake(akara), moimoi, bread or even the famous agege bread etc. Pap in Nigeria can be taken by both Adults and babies ready for weaning. As a matter of fact growing up Pap and Hot Akara was a Saturday morning staple. I remember going to buy Akara on Saturday mornings with older cousins living with my immediate family then in Warri, the crowd was often baffling. Now I made the decision to learn how to make pap from scratch in the comfort of my home when it was time for weaning my baby 'Vida' at the time, for hygiene reasons. I could only trust myself to make her meals. Pap is highly nutritious, especially when you decide to throw in guinea corn and millet in addition to your maize. Items you'd need Two clean bowl and or a see through bucket with cover.  Muslin bag or a chiffon cloth.  Siev...

How to choose a course to study at the university/college

Hey guys, welcome to my blog; I'm lulu from Nigeria, please feel free to like, share and subscribe to my blog. So as you can see from the blog title, some of us aren't lucky to know what or who we want to become, for some they knew what they've always wanted to do and become right from childhood while for others they're clueless; this inspired me to do this blog. I personally, when it was time for me to go to college (university) I  wasn't sure of what I wanted. Back then at high school I was very sure I had no business been in the science department because I've always been more passionate about Arts, my favourite subject then was English and literature, as a matter of fact I'd had dreams of becoming an actress or even a musician even if my dad wanted me to become a Doctor. The funny thing about  me becoming an actress was that I was a very shy person, I could act or play roles, sing and dance inside my house but no audience please...(lol). Now gainin...

Gender ReveaI. It's a Girl! Again!?

Hey guys, Its been a while I blogged and trust me I've missed it,  alot has been going on with me lately,  from planning and celebrating Vida's birthday, to finding out I was pregnant as the title of this blog have it and to loosing my mum; this past year (2019) has been quite a roller coaster.  Well as you have it I'm back and not going anywhere, Meanwhile Happy New Year!      It's a Girl!  To be frank guys there's this feeling of greed and guilt that comes with gender reveal after having an Ultrasound. It's like a child unwrapping his or her present with very high expectations of wanting a particular gift but gets something else, either ways you just have to be grateful for your gift.                                 I had gone in for my ultrasound scan during my second trimester, I am not quite sure of how many weeks I was at the time but it was my second trim...