How to make your home-made coconut oil, it's health and beauty benefits of coconut oil
Learn how to prepare your home-made coconut oil and risk not getting mixed coconut oil produce
Coconut oil is oil extracted through various standardised processes from a mature coconut.
How do you identify a mature coconut?
A mature coconut is hard with dark brown husk. The reason why you should purchase this particular set of coconuts is because it yields more oil than the younger coconut which is green and very soft
- Coconut oil in recent years was considered fattening due to its saturated fat content and caloric acids but with latest research it's been confirmed that coconut oil has its own beauty benefits and health benefits.
Like the saying goes whatever has an advantage has its own disadvantages
Beauty benefits of coconut oil
- It could serve as a moisturizer for the skin replenishing dead skin cells and follicles
- Aid nail growth
- Anti Ageing facial moisturizer
- It's serves as an eye make-up remover
- To help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy; rub it on the skin
- To help fade aged spots on the skin
- And it's really amazing for hair growth and repair
- Health benefits of coconut oil
- Increases immunity
- Lower blood pressure
- Relieves joint pain
- It aids the treatment of cancer
- To help reduce the pain of hemorrhoids
- It's Anti-inflammatory properties can held reduce arthritis
How to prepare your home-made coconut oil
There are various methods in preparing homemade coconut oil
There's the Cold Process Method
and the
Boiling the coconut method
Boiling the coconut method
- You'd need about 8-10 matured coconut to get a desirable quantity of oil extracted;
- Now first and foremost you'd have to break the coconut from its tusk with a knife or preferably you get that done at local shops where you purchased the coconut.
- Next I grate my coconuts after cutting them into suitable sizes that would enable me grate very well
- After grating I pour my grated coconut into a bowl and then add about two to three cups of water
- Squeeze out the coconut shafts and filter the water into a separate bowl or pot
- Add more water and squeeze more untill it no longer looks creamy
- The good thing about this recipe is that nothing goes to the waste bin you could make coconut candy for your kids or for your consumption if you want or for entertaining your guests as desert
- So now you boil the extracted quantity of coconut milk you got
- Boil untill the whole substance dries up and then you'd get your coconut oil.
The Cold Process Method
- Start with a dried and dehydrated coconut; you can achieve this by drying your coconut in your oven at its lowest temperature
- Cut coconut into small chunks and then place it on a baking sheet
- Cook untill it's completely dry
- Next you juice your coconut using a juicer; juice dried coconut in batches to extract the oil and the cream
- Place coconut extract in a jar for 24hrs in a warm place. The coconut oil would rise to the top of the jar, separating it from the cream which would be solidified.
- Now with a tablespoon take out the coconut oil and place in a suitable container.