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Showing posts from January, 2020

Gender ReveaI. It's a Girl! Again!?

Hey guys, Its been a while I blogged and trust me I've missed it,  alot has been going on with me lately,  from planning and celebrating Vida's birthday, to finding out I was pregnant as the title of this blog have it and to loosing my mum; this past year (2019) has been quite a roller coaster.  Well as you have it I'm back and not going anywhere, Meanwhile Happy New Year!      It's a Girl!  To be frank guys there's this feeling of greed and guilt that comes with gender reveal after having an Ultrasound. It's like a child unwrapping his or her present with very high expectations of wanting a particular gift but gets something else, either ways you just have to be grateful for your gift.                                 I had gone in for my ultrasound scan during my second trimester, I am not quite sure of how many weeks I was at the time but it was my second trim...