Been Married for Three months traditionally and two months legally and in the sight of God.
I tend to see and listen to many single ladies drowl and gush on the thought of getting Married.
Now don't get me wrong there's absolutely nothing wrong with that if only it's for the right reasons and with a proper understanding of the word "Marriage".
During school days i was opportuned to have several amazing friends who'd gush and fantasies on their dream wedding mostly when they go online and check out videos and stories on some of the top Nigerian weddings via Instagram.
Back then for me I wasn't really all blown away by the thought of having a fabulous wedding and what not; I was rather more of a
" I am happy and that's all that counts".
I had my boyfriend then back in school and we were really happy but never for once did I allow the thought of marriage sink in because quote me wrong but I felt marriage would ruin everything because it comes with lots of expectations and its just over emphasized; so I was that selfish about my happiness and relationship.
Fast forward to three/four years later so far I think I've gotten a proper understanding of the term and I figured I should share.
Marriage is God ordained.
But one thing I noticed many people either sex tend to get hitched for the wrong reasons.
Don't get hitched because you feel you've gotten to that stage in life where marriage is what's next in line. Trust me there's a chance you'd end up miserable if you go ahead with it not exactly been prepared.
Marriage is a responsibility.
Don't get married if its only on the bases of love most especially if its one sided.
Love is not enough to handle the pressures that comes with marriage.
You'd want to have friendship, understanding, trust and most importantly happiness to back up your love.
Don't get married on the bases of material things or wealth.
Happiness, peace of mind and respect beats wealth hands down when it comes to getting hitched for life.
Trust me you want to have your self esteem and mind intact in place of luxury.
Don't get married due to peer pressure.
Amongst all mentioned above plan your wedding but also plan your marriage.
Most people have made the mistakes of planning and hosting extremely luxurious weddings landing them into debts forgetting that the real deal starts just immediately after they say "I do".
Couples should look forward to say my marriage would be perfect and not just put all their concentration on having
" my wedding would be talk of the town", "I want a perfect wedding", " notable men and women would attend my wedding ".
Hmmhmm as much as you want your wedding to be perfect set goals and strategies on building a healthy and perfect marriage.
Weddings are for one day but been hitched is for a life time.
So when you gush about having a fly and perfect wedding, do well to have a marriage plan that'd stand the test of time.
Keep it up